Tag Archives: Day Light Film

Behind the green curtain – Film Funding

I was recently contacted by Bruce Gill, local film maker, regarding his latest project; ‘Behind the green curtain’ a short film by Wellington Street Films and Day Light Film, due to begin shooting at the end of this month.

He has created an Indigogo.com page to try and raise the small funds needed to finance the film; these funds would mainly support the logistical costs and help promote an afterlife for the film. These cost’s will cover for petrol, food and distribution of the film around to festivals and DVD’s. The cast and crew of the film are volunteering their time to benefit their career within the film industry and to help the film succeed.


This is a local film in need of a little boost, so if you can do anything to help then please donate or spread the word to help get this project off the ground!

Please visit their funding page here.